Specto Test Drive

Dear Distributor,

We are excited to launch a Test Drive Program for our new Specto Go system.  This will allow you to have a system in stock to use for demos or in conjunction with events like ball demos.  We would like to encourage all Distributors to participate in this program.  If you have multiple locations, you will be allowed to have up to one system per location. 

How this will work:

You will place an order for your Specto Go system.  Please send this as a separate PO and note on your order that this is your demo system.  When your Specto Go ships, it will be on AR, but you will have up until December 31, 2020 to pay for it.  If you sell the Test Drive system, you must pay for it at that time.  You may request another Test Drive System to replace the one that has been sold.

We will be promoting the Specto Test Drive Program on our website (https://www.kegel.net/spectotestdrive), social media, and magazine ads.  On our website, you will notice a form that customers can complete if they are interested.  All information we receive will be forwarded along to the Distributor listed.  Attached, you will also find a flyer you can also use to promote the Specto Test Drive program. 

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Best Regards,

Gus Falgien


Kegel's Annual Parts Sale


New Product Specto Go